Optimal Care Guide
For Bébé d'Amour Diapers and Accessories
If your diapers are well cared for they will last longer and be more comfortable on your baby.

General recommendations
  1. In order for the diapers to reach their maximum absorption capacity, they must be washed a few times so initially wash them BEFORE they are used for the first time (4 to 5).
  2. We recommend the use of our disposable liners; they prevent the baby's stool from sticking to the diaper thus making each diaper change easier and faster.
  3. When changing the diaper, immediately replace the protective strip on the Velcro to prevent lint from clogging it and to prevent the diapers from sticking to one another while laundering.
  4. Wash diapers in lukewarm water in order to protect its components.
  5. To naturally whiten the diapers let them dry in the sun.
Never use bleach. It is unhealthy for your child and it will destroy the diaper's cotton, Velcro and waterproof qualities.
Diaper soaking between washes
  • Fill the diaper pail with water up to the half.
  • Add _ to _ cup of vinegar (removes urea from the diaper).
  • Rinse the soiled diaper before placing in the pail.
  • Never soak the diapers for more than 3 days.
  • Keep the deodorizing disk dry or it will loose its effectiveness.
Washing method without soaking

Similar to the washing method but wash the dispers every two days and pre-wash them before doing the regular washing.
Washing of the diapers
  • Every 2 or 3 days empty the pail in the washing machine.
  • Run through spin cycle, rinse if necessary.
  • It is important to wash and rinse in Luke warm water to maximize the product's longevity.
Suggested detergents: To maximise the diaper's longevity we recommend you use phosphate free, bleach free and we advise against Ultra or concentrated detergents.

Tide Free, ABC or any biodegradable detergent will do (Warning: Do not use Ultra or concentrated detergents).

To proscribe:
Do not use any softener or baby detergents as they leave a film on the diaper, which reduces the diaper's absorption capacities. Remember that bleach, detergent with bleach as well as any Ultra or concentrated detergents will reduce your diaper's longevity.

Moreover, you should never rub the fabric in the area around the legs in order to protect the waterproof quality.
Drying of all waterproof products
  • Diapers, changing mats and shoulder bibs can be hung to dry or put in the dryer but at a medium temperature no more than 40∞ Celsius to extend the nylon's waterproof efficiency.
  • What better way to get your diapers white than letting them dry in the sun and to top it off you will save on electricity!
  • Nursing pads and soiled diaper bags must be hung to dry.